Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Prepare Spiritually and Physically to Face This Terrible Pandemic!!!
Message from God The Fathery to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on August 26, 2024

Beloved daughter, My love is infinite, My Holy Spirit exults in those who follow Me in true love.
Share My message with your brothers, manage My Work, shortly all will be transformed, My Chalice is filled, My Justice is imminent.
Beloved children, it is the Father who is speaking to you, it is He who created you who is still making Himself heard so that you may be saved: in truth, know that things in the world are falling apart moment by moment, that the wickedness of men is great, Satan has succeeded in intoxicating the hearts of My children, he has dragged them with him into evil ways, they understand only his language, they will end up with him in Hell.
My children and no longer Mine by your free choice, know that the moment you are living is chilling, the war is to embrace the whole Earth, weeping and gnashing of teeth over this Humanity.
Accelerate your conversion, O men, do not compromise with the world, I am about to be among you again and I will ask you to recognize Me as your one and only true God.
Beloved children, prepare yourselves spiritually and physically to face this terrible pandemic!!! Pray, be united with Heaven, plead for God's Mercy!He will help all those who with a sincere heart ask for His help, His protection.
The Earth is in danger!The prophecies are at their fulfillment, earthquakes and various calamities will follow one another in an unprecedented manner.
Men do not want to return to their God Love, they wander like zombies in dark ways, they are heedless of their own health, they are following the cursed serpent.
Heaven thunders His wrath, the Enough of God is now at the gates of this world, those who have ears to hear hear hear,...let the right choice be made to access eternal life.
God is! Who is like God? No one!!!
Source: ➥